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Horstmann Premier Financial - Joe B. Horstmann

How Much Do I Need To Start Investing

How much do I need to start investing


Through my years as a financial advisor I have heard multiple times, “what does it cost to start investing?” So many people discount their own financial picture and feel they don't have enough to be important to an advisor's time or may not feel confident enough in their situation to have that discussion. You are not alone, I used to be the same way. Many people live on a tight budget without considering they can do something more for their future. So when people avoid doing positive things for their future due to the many stigmas out there, it actually drives me harder to want to help them. You don't need $10k or $20k to be important enough for me to talk to you. You just need to be disciplined or willing to make small changes and have the desire to improve your outlook.


You can actually start investing with as little as $50 month and don't need a large amount at all to start.


Many advisors may not feel that its worth their time to sit down with someone just starting out, but I have always felt the opposite. Have you ever felt like you just needed someone who will listen and not judge? My advice is to not be discouraged by the way your financial house looks like. This career provides an unbelievable opportunity to help people and everyone deserves a chance. Your future is important and you deserve just as much attention as the next person. The most help you may need is figuring out how to get started. If you are not afraid to have help diving into a budget and developing a plan to pay down some debt in order to open a path to investing, there is hope for you. Know you are important enough to work with! I have personally made the same mistakes as so many others and have dealt with just about every obstacle a person can overcome. This makes working with people in all walks of life very relatable. Test me on this!


Don't let your anxiety get the best of you. You can talk and work with someone who simplifies the conversation to where you can understand it. The first time I sat down with an actual tax professional, I literally left more confused than when I got there and knew I needed to find someone who could explain it at my level. If explaining how investing works to someone means getting a piece of paper out and drawing oranges and apples, then that's what we will do. The last thing I want is someone who is more confused after they talked with me.


Don't be the person making a dozen reasons not to have the discussion with an advisor. You have someone with shared life experiences who now has the knowledge to help you. You are worth it! If you have just a little desire and a small amount you can start with, the ball is in your court. Click the CONTACT US to be added to my monthly email list and read more great content like this.


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